Official name: Republic of Angola
Capital: Luanda
The population of Angola is 25,789,024 inhabitants,
(last census of the country took place in May 2014)
Independence: November 11, 1975
Currency: Kwanza (AOA)
Internet Radio: AO
Calling code: 244
GMT time zone +1
Location: West Coast of Africa
Superficies: 1.246.700 Km2
Admnistrativa Division: 18 provincias / 163 municipalities
Provinces (capitals): Bengo (Caxito), Benguela (Benguela), Bié (Kuito), Cabinda (Cabinda), Cunene (Ondjiva), Huambo (Huambo), Huíla (Lubango), Luanda (Luanda), Lunda-Norte ( Dundo), Lunda-Sul (Saurimo), Kuando-Kubango (Menongue), Kwanza-Norte (N'Dalatando), Kwanza-Sul (Sumbe), Moxico (Luena), Malanje (Malanje), Namibe (Namibe), Uige ( Uíge), Mbanza Kongo-Zaire).
Borders: W - Atlantic Ocean; N - Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo; E - Republic of Zambia; S - Republic of Namibia.
Extension of the border: land - 4837 km; sea - 1,600 km.
Climate: Tropical with two seasons. Cacimbo (fresh and dry) from May to September and precipitation (hot), from October to April.
Population: About 14 million people.
Main Ethnicity: Ovimbundo, Kimbundo, Bakongo, Tchowe, Nyaneka, Ovambo, Herero and Nganguela.
Official language: Portuguese.
Main national languages: Umbundo, Kimbundo, Kikongo, Tchokwe, Fiote, Kwanhama.
Religion: Tribal (traditional), Catholics, Protestants.
Natural resources: oil, diamonds, iron, copper, uranium, phosphate, gold, silver, among others.
Products: Coffee, bananas, sugar cane, wood, tobacco, sisal, corn, cotton, livestock, fishing.
Main Ports: Luanda, Lobito and Namibe.
Fixed date: Sens
January 01 New Year
04 January the Martyrs Day of the colonial repression
February Top 04 of the National Army of Fraud
March 08 International Women's Day
April 04 Day of Peace and National Reconciliation
01 May International Labor Day
May 25 Africa Day
01 June International Children's Day
September 17th Founder Day of the Nation and the National Hero
November 02 Finados Day
November 11th National Independence Day
December 25 Christmas and family day
Mobile Data
February Carnival
March Friday
Easter March